
For the Love of Local

Reality check…..

Have you ever just pinched yourself and thought wait a minute is this really my life?

Well I do it almost daily. I know that must sound weird but I just cannot believe Picks and Giggles is on the upwards side of turning 9 years old!!! (Insert deep breath…really 9 years..wow!!)


Throwback to 2011

In the beginning stages of this biz, my partner at the time (the inspirational Goals and Grapes) and I were so eager to organize an event we decided to give parents the opportunity to promote and sell their goods/services. The intention was to have the money made that day go directly into their household. We wanted to support them in anyway we could, and were SO proud they chose us to help introduce their brands into our community and Durham as a whole.


Our first market

Picks was founded in 2011 and we hosted our first “Mom to Mom sale” April 2012 in Oshawa. Together with a mix of moms selling their gently used items and some small maker shops we were launched!!
Back then social media consisted of Twitter and Facebook,  Instagram wasn’t even a thing…not that I remember anyway.
The first show ended in a huge success, seriously we had a over 150 shoppers come through the doors. The  feedback from both the sellers and the shoppers was so positive..how exciting!!
As an event organizer the first thing I do after every event is go online…I want to be present and available to answer any questions and clarify any concerns people may have and secondly to see what people are saying while it’s still fresh in their minds…the good, the bad and yes definitely the ugly!!!

Worst comment EVER!!

I will never forget our first negative comment even though it was 8 years ago it is still so fresh in my mind.

The comment read “ Why would I pay so much for that when I could get it at Walmart cheaper?”

GASPPPPP!!!  I was so upset I’m not going to lie, it literally infuriated me  when I read that comment. I though…wait, what??? Our  events are focused on building local business’s and giving moms the opportunity to bring extra money home so our communities flourish..sounded like a win win in my books!

But it was clear that some shoppers didnt understand why the handmade items cost more than at a big box store AND the impact it has on shopping locally. So we had to get people talking and boy did we do that!

That was then……and THIS IS NOW!!

Fast forward to 2019 – Our community is FRIGGEN INCREDIBLE !!! All because you told two friends and they told two friends and so on and so on. Nearly a decade later and it is truly humbling to see the growth and success we have all shared.

I want to thank each and everyone of you that have shopped at our markets. This community has grown so much because of people like you. Many of our vendors are living their dreams leaving their corporate jobs to pursue their passions. Not only are you strengthening and building our community, YOU’RE HELPING MAKE SO MANY DREAMS COME TRUE!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support it means the world to all of us. Keep shopping local and tell two friends!!

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