The number one question I’ve been asked since March is “have you thought of hosting a virtual market?” My answer has always been no. Here’s why.
At Picks and Giggles, my goal has always been to leverage our following to support our local makers and small businesses. For a variety of reasons, a virtual market just doesn’t scream HELL YES to me.
If you know me, you know that I lead with passion. I have to love what I’m doing and know that the outcome means success for everyone involved. I’ve always led my business on the premise that I’m only successful if the participants are – and virtual markets just did not feel like the best way to accomplish that.
But what was? For months, that was my question.
And then it hit me.
It was an idea that I had briefly touched on a year ago – but with markets being in full swing, I didn’t have the time to bring it to fruition.
Flash forward to this COVID year – and suddenly, it all made so much sense.

When I was a kid I loved looking through the Sears wishbook or the Toys R Us catalogue. You probably did too!
What struck me in my lightbulb moment was that in this crazy time, businesses are looking for new ways to reach customers and consumers are looking for new safer ways to shop. Why not reinvent the catalogue experience we all knew and loved, but in a more modern context?
That’s why Picks and Giggles is introducing a collaborative shopping project called Unboxing 2020.
We’re creating a massive online catalogue that contains clickable shopping links linked directly to your business’s website.
It will be distributed across Durham region and the GTA as well as to our extensive email list. We anticipate more than 35,000 customers will receive this catalogue!
It is both desktop and mobile friendly, and will be created with the high standards P+G is known for, including professional photography and design.
SHOP OWNERS: This catalogue will allow shoppers to purchase from your OWN website, increasing your sales, SEO and your customer base. We can’t wait to showcase and introduce all the fantastic local shops/ services that Ontario has to offer.
SHOPPERS: Get ready to feel all the feels this holiday season, safely from the comfort of your own homes – sprinkled with a touch of nostalgia.
I look forward to sharing this special time with you all, and can’t thank you enough for choosing to shop local with us.